Module – Threat Assessment – Theory & Practice

  • Types of Adversaries
  • Motives
  • Objectives
  • The adversary’s modus operandi
  • Stages in preparing an attack
  • Methods of adversary intelligence gathering
  • How criminals or terrorists select their targets
  • Basic Surveillance detection principles

Module – Potential Adversary Profiling for Identification

Part 1 – Theory:

  • Terrorism – background and definition
  • The elements that create terrorism
  • The psychology of terrorism
  • Psychopathology and terrorism
  • Terrorism typologies and terrorist’s profiles

Part 2 – Operational Practices:

  • Terrorism related verbal assessment tools
  • Pre-Attack Indicators
  • Terrorism related non-verbal assessment tools

Module – Mental Empowerment Training

  • Learning and practicing mental techniques for coping with various high-pressure
  • Learning the “victim’s behavior”, through live exercises (outdoor)
  • Practicing and implementing preventative behavior and
  • Live exercises (outdoors) in identifying potential aggressors and performing the right preventative
  • Learn techniques thru practical simulation methods in self-rescue while engaged in emergency
  • Learning practical techniques in self-defense that are effective, easy to learn, easy to exercise and
  • Learning and practical and effective techniques for coping with emergency situations related to vehicles and
  • Learn and understand non-verbal communication, body language; its power and importance as a tool for strengthening self-confidence.
  • Practical learning and exercise methods to improve and retain physical fitness and
  • Practical Scenarios: Learning assertive behavior during violent
  • Practical Scenarios: The experience of mental and physical difficulties.

Module – Mental Empowerment

  • Self-awareness
  • Self esteem
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Self confidence
  • Assertiveness
  • Stress management
  • Mental preparation – 5 color theory

Module – Operational Fitness

  • Strength training
  • Endurance training
  • Speed training
  • Agility drills
  • Determination drills

Module – Body language

  • Body language – Introduction
  • Body language speaks
  • Different types of body language
  • Body language – sociological perspectives
  • Body Language – interpreting movements
  • Interpreting body movements
  • Body language in confrontational situations
  • Telling and detecting lies
  • Reading the signs
  • Aggression

Module – Personal Security

  • Personal security
  • Personal safety for women
  • The potential adversary:
  • Foundations for surveillance detection
  • Questioning suspects.
  • Trends in international terrorism.
  • Weapons of terrorism.
  • General security preparedness.
  • Emergency medical actions.

Module – Acquaintance with the Israeli Unarmed Protection Methods – KRAV MAGA

KRAV MAGA means “Contact Combat” in Hebrew and is the official martial art of the Israeli Defense Force and National Police. The best training programs for improving the functions under high stress situations, resulting from crises or violence. This method has been taught to thousands of civilians in Israel from all walks of life. Businessmen and housewives, old and young have all successfully learned this method, and through experience it has proven itself time after time to be extremely well suited for the private citizen.

Easy to learn, Practical & Effective, Easy to Retain Topics you will cover:

  • Hand to Hand Combat
  • Types of attack
  • Attack and Defense techniques
  • Disarming the assailant – fire arms, knifes, clubs, hand grenades
  • Controlling, restraining, and taking – down techniques
  • Body search (routine & aggressive)
  • Striking and throws

Module – Familiarization with the Arab-Islamic culture, religious, manners and language.

  • The Muslim World and the Arab World
  • Extreme Islamic movements and their impacts on the entire Muslim Population
  • Typical Terrorism attacks within the Muslim Population.

The Islamic Religion

  • The establishment of Islam.
  • The Koran.
  • The development and expansion of Islam.
  • The Sunni and the Shiite Moslems.
  • The five commandments of Islam.
  • The concept of jihad and shahid (holy war) in Islam.

The Muslim World and the Arab World

  • Explanation of the concept of “Arabness”.
  • The Arabian Peninsula as the birthplace of “Arabness”.
  • Muslims as opposed to Arabs.
  • Political Islam.
  • Behavioral Characteristics
  • Structure of the Arab family
  • Family honor.
  • Attitude towards women.
  •  The effect of progress on Arab society.
  • Attitude towards followers of other religions: monotheism, idol worshippers.
  • The mosque as focal point of activity.
  • Community activity.
  • The sanctity of life. (Committing suicide as a shahid).
  • Exploration of. Western openness and democracy.
  • Ways of Life.
  • Family Events – Joy and Grief.
  • Festivals and Memorial Days.
  • Woman’s Status.
  • Structure and Meaning of the Arab name.
  • Home and Family.
  • Connection to the Land.
  • Time and Space.
  • Problem of Refugees.
  • Urban and rural.
  • Arabic, the language – terms & blessings

Module – Anti-Sabotage

This instruction emphasizes detection and prevention, not disposal, of explosive threats. Methods of search techniques are covered as well as preventive procedures to implement as policy in public buildings, including how to prepare for threatening calls. Personality profiles of bomb threat callers and actual bomber motivations are explored in detail.

While we do not expect to train bomb disposal technicians, we do hope to install a sufficient level of knowledge so that our participant can establish basic safety procedures and knowing what to do during a bomb incident.

Module – Rescue and evacuation: buildings, cars under attacks

Module – Obstacle training

Module – Acquaintance with the Israeli armed tactical response methods

This training is designed to cover a broad spectrum of critical issues concerning the safe handling, carrying, and ownership of handguns. It also covers the fundamental concepts of performing while under stress of combat situations and its aftermath.

Module – First aid (basic)

Instruction skills session

  •  Psychology
  • Developing a Sociological Perspective and Imagination
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Positive Psychology
  • Psychology
  • Social Psychology
  • Sociologists

 Instruction concepts, methods, and tactics

  • Team building methods.
  • Adult Learning
  • Art of teaching
  • Correcting mistakes while firing a pistol
  • Good instruction
  • How to conduct training sessions
  • Identifying your learning style
  • Lesson structure
  • Seven principles to deliver training effectively
  • Teacher learner management
  • The nature of the teaching profession
  • Tips for trainers
  • Top tips
  • Training techniques

Our training programs are different, special, and unique,
we supply each participant with an unforgettable practical experience.