LEVEL A – Security, Protection Awareness & Preparedness Instructor (SPAP)

Home » LEVEL A – Security, Protection Awareness & Preparedness Instructor (SPAP)


Security, Protection Awareness & Preparedness


Instruction Concepts, Methods, Drills & Tools


Designated for:

That unique qualification quest is for those who already contribute and wish to inspire others and are:

  • Security & Protection companies’ operators,
  • Security training Schools’ operators,
  • Martial Art Clubs’ operators,
  • Protection practitioners,

Women & Men with Winners’ Mindset who may say:



Such opportunity is offered to those who are active in the field of Security & Protection education, who understand that there is Never an End to advancement and training and whose Professionalism is expressed by an ongoing pursuit for knowledge and the attempt to acquire as wide a range of knowledge as possible.

We offer to join us for sharing with you, our expertise for supporting your efforts to upgrading Mental, Physical Empowerment and Preparation for your entire communities (youth, women, and men) for better functioning and coping with violent crime and terrorism encounters.

THE PROGAM’S OBJECTIVES2024-03-11T10:24:56+00:00
  1. Our multinational instruction team will train, qualify & certify trainees, that will train, empower & prepare their own entire community!
  2. Our team will share Exclusive and Unprecedented Qualifications’ Secrets!
  3. A preparatory training that is geared towards enhancing the participants` ability to protect themselves and their families. Through professional and simple training, they will attain a level of self-defense and response abilities that will save lives when
  4. To improve the mental and physical abilities of our trainees for better coping and better functioning in situations resulting from violent crimes, terrorism threats or strikes, and various catastrophes occurring in our modern
  5. To introduce the Israeli Protection concepts, methods & tactics
  6. To introduce the Israeli Tactical response concepts, methods to violent attacks

Requirements for participation in the training LEVEL 1

  1. The candidate should be between the ages – 21-50 (exceptions are possible).
  2. You have reasonable physical fitness + written authorization from physician stating you are fit mentally & physically to participate in such activities.
  3. Letter intention from trainee for activities after graduation.

How to mitigate and overcome Violent Crime strikes, “Modern” catastrophes or Terrorism encounters, In the 21st Century?


A lack of self-confidence turns people into “Potential Victims”!

WHAT IS INNER STRENGTH?2024-03-11T10:27:46+00:00

Inner strength is one of the most important characteristics of successful people. Only those who have inner strength can perform their duties and lead from within.

We define inner strength as the ability to withstand adverse situations based on mental and physical fitness. It encompasses situational awareness, readiness, and willingness to persist in very difficult situations.

We have been known to successfully formulate an inner-strength combination of the Athenian spirit and the Spartan physical toughness in our daily lives. Individuals with balanced inner-strength allow us to become solid protectors and leaders.

The sources for personal inner strength are:

Physical fitness, spirituality, and mental strength


  • A person with a strong mental and physical condition will demonstrate a high level of self- confidence. As a result, can deal successfully with high-stress situations resulting from a personal crisis or a violent event.
  • High self-confidence and self-esteem will guarantee improvement of personal behavior, self-motivation, situational awareness, and pro-activeness. Thus, those critical elements will influence the individual’s quality of
  • Inner Strength prevents us from being victims of unfortunate circumstances. It is intended for forward thinking people, who wish to advance further than they have managed
  • Studies have shown that Inner strength is one of the most important characteristics of successful
  • Inner strength allows you to motivate and lead yourself and others from
  • Inner strength is the ability to withstand adverse situations based on mental and physical fitness. It encompasses situational awareness, readiness, and willingness to persist in difficult
  • The sources for personal inner strength are: confidence, spirituality, and mental strength.
  • Inner Strength permits and enables you to be more independent and take responsibility for events and incidents that take place in your life, enabling a proactive mentality and risk-taking within the decision-making process and critical thinking.
  • Most importantly, leaders need to understand the responsibility of their decisions and actions, and only leaders with inner strength will be guided from within. Due to the recent enhancement of importance of entrepreneurship in our daily lives, we need to explore and navigate the core strength of our inner ability far more than ever before.

There are numerous diverse methods and techniques marketed to public promoting leadership development programs. However, the most effective method of success in self-development and personal life-enhancement is the Israeli way.

ISA’s development method enables an individual to withstand lifetime predicaments and extreme situations. Our system is a blend of three elements: Mental power, Physical strength, and the Practical “know-how”.

The Israelis have demonstrated what personal inner strength can accomplish. The secret of their perseverance is the lifestyle in midst of insistent life-threatening environment and rigorous daily stress.

You will find it beneficial to learn from the Israeli experiences and how they developed strong personal inner strength from their own years of hardships, tension, conflicts, and psychological tortures.

Educational concept’s – History


 Greek Gods were down-to-earth and “less awesome” than the remote gods of the East. Because they were endowed with human qualities and often represented aspects of the physical world–such as the sun, the moon, and the sea–they were closer to manlike and to the world they lived in. The Greeks, therefore, found spiritual satisfaction in the ordinary, everyday world. They developed a secular life free from the domination of a priesthood that exacted to pay homage to gods. The goal of education in the Greek culture was to produce citizens trained in the arts of both peace and war.


 Spartans believed in a life of discipline, self-denial, and simplicity. They were very loyal to the state of Sparta. Their purpose of education was to produce a well-drilled, well-disciplined marching army. Every Spartan, male or female, was required to have a perfect body. The goal of education in the Spartan culture was to produce soldier-citizens.

Development and empowerment of the personal “INNER – STRENGTH”!

Israel’s secret weapon has, and always will be, our entire society strength; or, more precisely, the education, training and preparation of Israelis have defeated and mitigated the violent crime and terrorism and have helped and will continue to help bring healthy economy and high living standards to our country’s population.


Self-Awareness, Self Esteem, Self Confidence,

Inner strength, Preventive behavior, Assertively & Proactive Attitudes

“The Quest for Inner Strength”

This is an extensive practical training program initiated by International Security Academy – Israel, based on the real Israeli expertise, concepts, and methods to strengthen people when coping with high pressure situations. It deals with self-empowerment and team-empowerment.

Israel is continually under threat of terrorist attacks from within and from outside the country, therefore  the Israeli population have been trained and given the ability to overcome unexpected attacks and to adapt to high threat situations of extreme violence.

We give priority to the qualifications and involvement of our entire population in the struggle against violent crime or terrorism; we do not consider it as the concerns of the law enforcement only.

Our experience dictates that a person in a stronger mental and physical condition feel more self- confident, functions and cops much better with high stress situations resulting from crises and violence.

We realized that self-confidence improves the participant’s character and behavior in their family, their awareness and desire to contribute, to be more involved and to influence the quality of life in the entire society, the lack of self-confidence turns people into aggressors or potential victims, who look and behave accordingly.


  • The program is based on models developed by ISA-ISRAEL; Leveraging ISA core expertise has created a unique avant-garde development program concentrating on personal inner strength-based
  • The program combines simulated and dynamic training, and hands-on drills infused with psychological solutions and emotional resiliency training.
  • Our primary objective is to provide our trainees with an unforgettable experience that is unique, a magnificent opportunity to develop and apply solid inner
  • Our training programs are different, special, and unique – we supply each participant with an unforgettable practical
  • The various analyses together with the vast experience accumulated in Israel and throughout the world have led to an unequivocal conclusion:
  • To improve our ability to understand and operate under emotional and psychological stress, during situations of violence and pressure, we combine practical training, simulations of unusual situations, and drills.
Our preparation methods for this struggle resembles a vaccine against viruses, which is actually a weakened dosage of the cause of the illness, which causes the immune system to strengthen without damaging it, thus achieving future inoculation against similar diseases.
TOPICAL CONTENT2024-03-11T10:56:56+00:00

Module – Threat Assessment – Theory & Practice

  • Types of Adversaries
  • Motives
  • Objectives
  • The adversary’s modus operandi
  • Stages in preparing an attack
  • Methods of adversary intelligence gathering
  • How criminals or terrorists select their targets
  • Basic Surveillance detection principles

Module – Potential Adversary Profiling for Identification

Part 1 – Theory:

  • Terrorism – background and definition
  • The elements that create terrorism
  • The psychology of terrorism
  • Psychopathology and terrorism
  • Terrorism typologies and terrorist’s profiles

Part 2 – Operational Practices:

  • Terrorism related verbal assessment tools
  • Pre-Attack Indicators
  • Terrorism related non-verbal assessment tools

Module – Mental Empowerment Training

  • Learning and practicing mental techniques for coping with various high-pressure
  • Learning the “victim’s behavior”, through live exercises (outdoor)
  • Practicing and implementing preventative behavior and
  • Live exercises (outdoors) in identifying potential aggressors and performing the right preventative
  • Learn techniques thru practical simulation methods in self-rescue while engaged in emergency
  • Learning practical techniques in self-defense that are effective, easy to learn, easy to exercise and
  • Learning and practical and effective techniques for coping with emergency situations related to vehicles and
  • Learn and understand non-verbal communication, body language; its power and importance as a tool for strengthening self-confidence.
  • Practical learning and exercise methods to improve and retain physical fitness and
  • Practical Scenarios: Learning assertive behavior during violent
  • Practical Scenarios: The experience of mental and physical difficulties.

Module – Mental Empowerment

  • Self-awareness
  • Self esteem
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Self confidence
  • Assertiveness
  • Stress management
  • Mental preparation – 5 color theory

Module – Operational Fitness

  • Strength training
  • Endurance training
  • Speed training
  • Agility drills
  • Determination drills

Module – Body language

  • Body language – Introduction
  • Body language speaks
  • Different types of body language
  • Body language – sociological perspectives
  • Body Language – interpreting movements
  • Interpreting body movements
  • Body language in confrontational situations
  • Telling and detecting lies
  • Reading the signs
  • Aggression

Module – Personal Security

  • Personal security
  • Personal safety for women
  • The potential adversary:
  • Foundations for surveillance detection
  • Questioning suspects.
  • Trends in international terrorism.
  • Weapons of terrorism.
  • General security preparedness.
  • Emergency medical actions.

Module – Acquaintance with the Israeli Unarmed Protection Methods – KRAV MAGA

KRAV MAGA means “Contact Combat” in Hebrew and is the official martial art of the Israeli Defense Force and National Police. The best training programs for improving the functions under high stress situations, resulting from crises or violence. This method has been taught to thousands of civilians in Israel from all walks of life. Businessmen and housewives, old and young have all successfully learned this method, and through experience it has proven itself time after time to be extremely well suited for the private citizen.

Easy to learn, Practical & Effective, Easy to Retain Topics you will cover:

  • Hand to Hand Combat
  • Types of attack
  • Attack and Defense techniques
  • Disarming the assailant – fire arms, knifes, clubs, hand grenades
  • Controlling, restraining, and taking – down techniques
  • Body search (routine & aggressive)
  • Striking and throws

Module – Familiarization with the Arab-Islamic culture, religious, manners and language.

  • The Muslim World and the Arab World
  • Extreme Islamic movements and their impacts on the entire Muslim Population
  • Typical Terrorism attacks within the Muslim Population.

The Islamic Religion

  • The establishment of Islam.
  • The Koran.
  • The development and expansion of Islam.
  • The Sunni and the Shiite Moslems.
  • The five commandments of Islam.
  • The concept of jihad and shahid (holy war) in Islam.

The Muslim World and the Arab World

  • Explanation of the concept of “Arabness”.
  • The Arabian Peninsula as the birthplace of “Arabness”.
  • Muslims as opposed to Arabs.
  • Political Islam.
  • Behavioral Characteristics
  • Structure of the Arab family
  • Family honor.
  • Attitude towards women.
  •  The effect of progress on Arab society.
  • Attitude towards followers of other religions: monotheism, idol worshippers.
  • The mosque as focal point of activity.
  • Community activity.
  • The sanctity of life. (Committing suicide as a shahid).
  • Exploration of. Western openness and democracy.
  • Ways of Life.
  • Family Events – Joy and Grief.
  • Festivals and Memorial Days.
  • Woman’s Status.
  • Structure and Meaning of the Arab name.
  • Home and Family.
  • Connection to the Land.
  • Time and Space.
  • Problem of Refugees.
  • Urban and rural.
  • Arabic, the language – terms & blessings

Module – Anti-Sabotage

This instruction emphasizes detection and prevention, not disposal, of explosive threats. Methods of search techniques are covered as well as preventive procedures to implement as policy in public buildings, including how to prepare for threatening calls. Personality profiles of bomb threat callers and actual bomber motivations are explored in detail.

While we do not expect to train bomb disposal technicians, we do hope to install a sufficient level of knowledge so that our participant can establish basic safety procedures and knowing what to do during a bomb incident.

Module – Rescue and evacuation: buildings, cars under attacks

Module – Obstacle training

Module – Acquaintance with the Israeli armed tactical response methods

This training is designed to cover a broad spectrum of critical issues concerning the safe handling, carrying, and ownership of handguns. It also covers the fundamental concepts of performing while under stress of combat situations and its aftermath.

Module – First aid (basic)

Instruction skills session

  •  Psychology
  • Developing a Sociological Perspective and Imagination
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Positive Psychology
  • Psychology
  • Social Psychology
  • Sociologists

 Instruction concepts, methods, and tactics

  • Team building methods.
  • Adult Learning
  • Art of teaching
  • Correcting mistakes while firing a pistol
  • Good instruction
  • How to conduct training sessions
  • Identifying your learning style
  • Lesson structure
  • Seven principles to deliver training effectively
  • Teacher learner management
  • The nature of the teaching profession
  • Tips for trainers
  • Top tips
  • Training techniques

Our training programs are different, special, and unique,
we supply each participant with an unforgettable practical experience.

QUALIFICATION’S STEPS2024-03-11T10:49:07+00:00
  1. Distance/Online (self-study – country of origin) Priorjoining the practical stages
  2. Practical qualification completion (Multinational’s training group) – GERMANY!


Stage 1 – 2 intensive weeks in an international group training!
Stage 2 – 1 Practical internship to train new civilian women trainees – 5 weeks!


 The participants will:

  • Experience a deep, sustainable genuine change with preparedness for future
  • Possess a solid proactive sense, “take-charge” mode, and strong personal visions that serve as life guidance in decision making process.
  • Have supreme confidence, high self-esteem, and a lucid state of
  • Get steadfast improvement to function under pressure mentally and
  • Feel renewed and will experience personal growth and be highly
  • Improve self-control; be able to mitigate and overcome any intimidations which typically appear in modern society.
  • Discover and sustain their personal inner
  • Discover and develop their leadership skills based on their inner strength!
  • Can deploy the inner strength based on small team assignments.
  • Understand the advantages of leadership.
  • Know, Understand, evaluate, and practice the right leadership style and methods we need to apply for each of the situation we may face in the 21st century.
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